
The MIT-WPU Research and Development Cell (RDC) serves as a catalyst for fostering collaborations across various academic disciplines within our institution and with external organisations. Our primary goal is to create an enabling environment for the advancement of cutting-edge knowledge that can address global challenges.

At the heart of our mission is the active facilitation and support of researchers in navigating the complex landscape of research funding. We accomplish this through a range of activities, including workshops, mentorship programs, and strategic guidance. Our approach is tailored to accommodate the nuances of both national and international funding opportunities.

In essence, the RDC at MIT-WPU is a hub for innovative thinkers, bridging the gap between diverse fields of study, and propelling research initiatives forward to make a meaningful impact on the world's most pressing issues.

Researchers at MITWPU are involved in research in one of the following thematic areas:

MIT-WPU Research and Development Cell (RDC) promotes intra, inter and transdisciplinary associations among internal schools as well as external organisations, that provide a conducive environment for new, progressive knowledge enhancement that contributes to solving challenges being faced by the world.

  • Energy
  • Health Sciences
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bio resources
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Materials & Manufacturing

Research Manual 2023-24 bharatasmita


  • 5000+

    Research Papers Published

  • 170+

    Books Published

  • 110+

    Research Projects



  • 120+

    Patents Filed

  • 100+

    Patents Granted

  • 82

    Patents Published

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